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Bar Admissions
Pennsylvania State Courts
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Middle District of Pennsylvania
Third Circuit Court of Appeals
Dickinson School of Law,
J.D. (1996, Magna Cum Laude)
Juniata College,
B.A., Political Science
Stephanie L. Hersperger | Shareholder
Stephanie L. Hersperger is a shareholder of the Harrisburg office of Pion, Nerone, Girman & Smith, P.C. She is the Chair of the Firm’s Appellate Practice. Ms. Hersperger has been practicing in Pennsylvania Courts for over 20 years. She specializes in preparing motions and briefs on complex legal matters and post-trial and appellate litigation.
Stephanie practices before the Pennsylvania State Courts, including the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Superior Court and the Commonwealth Court. She also handles Federal appeals before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. She further has been active in preparing and filing amicus curiae briefs for various organizations including TIDA and The American College of Transportation Attorneys. Stephanie also had the honor of preparing and presenting a White Paper on “Challenging State and Municipal Ordinances that Interfere with Trucking’s Interstate Commerce Movement” for the American College of Transportation Attorneys.
Stephanie graduated from the Dickinson School of Law, in the top 2% of her class, magna cum laude, in 1996. While at Dickinson, Stephanie was a member of the Appellate Moot Court Board; The Dickinson Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, Managing Editor; and the Woolsack Society. She also received the Cali Excellence for the Future Award for Insurance. Stephanie graduated from Juniata College with a major in political science and a minor in history, cum laude, in 1993.
Stephanie is affiliated with the Pennsylvania Appellate Advocacy Committee, Pennsylvania Federal Practice Committee, Third Federal Circuit Bar Association, Dauphin County Bar Association; and Pennsylvania Bar Association. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania Federal Practice Committee, first having served as secretary, and now serving as Editor of the Committee Newsletter. She also was the Chair of the 2020 Federal Practice Institute and is a faculty member of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.