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Bar Admissions
Pennsylvania State Courts
West Virginia State Courts
Western District of Pennsylvania
Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Southern District of West Virginia
Duquesne University School of Law
J.D. (2020, Magna Cum Laude)
The Pennsylvania State University
B.A. Criminology (2014)
B.S. Political Science (2014, Magna Cum Laude)
Tricia Martino | Associate
Tricia A. Martino is an associate who concentrates her practice in the areas of transportation law and general civil litigation. In addition to those areas, Ms. Martino has experience in the areas of insurance defense, product liability, commercial litigation, and insurance coverage and bad faith law.
Before transitioning to private practice, Ms. Martino clerked for the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. In addition, she has experience writing amicus curiae briefs to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on behalf of the Pennsylvania Defense Institute with regard to the interpretation of insurance contracts.
Ms. Martino graduated from Duquesne University School of Law, where she was awarded four CALI awards for receiving the highest grade in the course. In law school, Ms. Martino published, “Fear of Change: Carpenter v. United States and the Third-Party Doctrine” in the 58th edition of the Duquesne Law Review (58 Duq. L. Rev. 353). She participated in the Duquesne University Federal Litigation Clinic, where she represented indigent clients before the Western District of Pennsylvania and Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
Ms. Martino is an active member of the Allegheny County Bar Association, where she holds several leadership positions including as Secretary of the Young Lawyers Division, member of the Judiciary Committee, and member of the Bench Bar Committee. She has presented CLEs and CJEs for the bar association. She previously held positions of editor of Point of Law and co chaired the record breaking 2021 ACBA YLD Children’s Gift Drive which successfully coordinated attorneys and law firms to sponsor gifts for almost 900 children during the Holiday season.
Ms. Martino is a native of Cambria County, Pennsylvania and currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When not at the office, Tricia spends her time with her dogs and enjoys kayaking.